
Who am I?

Q. What is your name?
A. tanahiro2010
Q. What team are you join?
A. Zisty and UniProject and Wisdom.
Q. How old are you?
A. I'm 14 years old. (2024 now)
Q. When is your birthday?
A. My birthday is 8/18
Q. What is your hobby?
A. My hobby is being programming
Q. What happened to the previous site?
A. It still remains. Click here

Q. What is this site?
A. This is showing I to created programs.


bitcoin: Here
novel: Here
survey: Here
syosetu: Here
webproxy: Here
whisperwave: Here
yt-dl: Here

GitHub repositories

Alphapolis-Downloader: Here
Auto_playgramTyping-Ruby: Here
BitTryer: Here
Calc-html: Here
Computer-cs: Here
ConfigParser-Python: Here
Hameln-Downloader: Here
HelloBot: Here
history-note.net: Here
Java-JsonModule: Here
Kakuyomu-downloader-ForPython: Here
Kakuyomu-downloader-ForRuby: Here
Kanata: Here
LINE-Discord-README: Here
MyClubPrograms: Here
My_Extensions: Here
Novel-controller: Here
PhotoFlick: Here
Pokemon_Bot-Discord: Here
QuickShare: Here
ReNovel: Here
ReNovel-Next: Here
Server-Soft: Here
Simple-BBS: Here
t20-short_url: Here
tanahiro2010: Here
tanahiroSurvey: Here
VideoShereService: Here
YouTube-Downloader_ydl: Here
YouTubeWatcher: Here